Wednesday 17 July 2019

He Just Keeps Going

Every few days he does something further and further from decency. I am continually shocked--not so much by what he does, but by how many people just keep accepting his horrible behavior and continue to support him.

Make America Great Again. A great job for Trump, but God forbid anyone with a different perspective try. 

Trump didn't like what was going on in the US. So he had to step in and make it great again. 

But for four women, elected leaders like him, who see problems and want to step in and make things better, his message to them is "if you don't like it here, you can leave."

So let's get this straight--when Trump thinks something is wrong with our country, it's his responsibility to change it. When other elected leaders feel the same way, they are supposed to get out. 

At a rally tonight, spurred by his racist comments, Trump's supporters chanted "Send her back!" about a member of the United States House of Representatives. An elected member of Congress. 

He said that she hates our country. The President of the United States is declaring that fellow leaders in his own government are enemies of the state. It sounds unbelievable, but this is the kind of rhetoric that leads to violence, to the breakdown of government. This is the kind of stuff you hear about in Russia, or North Korea.

Trump condemns leaders in Congress by calling them socialists and communists, but buddies up to real communists. The level of hypocrisy is staggering. 

Yesterday it was reported that Trump hung a picture of Kim Jong-Un in the White House. It was from Trump's visit with the Korean dictator, when he became the first US President to step into North Korea. 

“Stepping across that line was a great honor,” Mr. Trump replied. “A lot of progress has been made, a lot of friendships have been made, and this has been in particular a great friendship.”

It is appalling that he speaks about Jong-Un this way, then speaks so horribly about members of Congress, his own government, and accuses them of being communists.

I don't usually like playing the comparison game. But I'm going to do it here. Can you imagine how most Republicans and right-wing media would have reacted had President Obama done what Trump did and said what Trump said?

They would have declared him a traitor. 

March 28