Saturday 21 March 2020

Trump and Coronavirus Crisis

I haven't posted for a while; but that doesn't mean the President doesn't continue to do things that are simply unbelievable. This has increased during the Coronavirus crisis. Here are a few important pieces to read:

The Trump Presidency is Over, from The Atlantic

It's certainly not over, his supporters will ignore anything he does that appears negative. But for those of us who see him clearly, he continues to astound.

He just can't take responsibility for anything. His communication on the Coronavirus has been confused, incoherent and dishonest.

Donald Trump's appalling, blame-shifting Rose Garden News Conference

Part of the problem is that Trump labels anything he doesn't like or agree with as "Fake News." And his supporters go along with it, so they refuse to believe anything but Fox News and similar sites.

Good piece by Rachel Maddow.  You may not like what she says, but that doesn't make it wrong, or fake.

This image shows statements by Trump about the virus over the last two months. These are all true quotes. Not fake news. 

Fake News from Trump
He claims a new drug has been approved to treat the virus, only to have the CDC say not true minutes later.

Trump's supporters in media, especially those at Fox News, have been the ones spreading untruth.

It's not just liberals/democrats who are concerned about Trump. Lifelong conservatives, who have served faithfully, recognize how dangerous he is. 

I just don't understand how people can continue to support him. I think people have dug in so deep, they refuse to see anything that challenges their opinion.

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March 28