Sunday 17 March 2019

Why Todd on Trump?

I've gone back and forth when it comes to communicating about politics for the last couple years. I began posting my views of our President on Facebook, back when he first got involved in the race.

As our culture became strongly divided over Trump, I realized I had many friends and relatives on both sides of the divide. Good people. People I love.

I became more and more perplexed at how good, smart people could support a man who was (and is) a horrible, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic, dishonest, unethical, hypocritical bully.

I don't believe this about Trump because I don't like Republicans (many of my family and friends are Republican or very conservative). I don't believe this because Hillary lost (I wasn't crazy about her either). I don't believe this because I am a Democrat. I don't believe this because I want crime and open borders (let's be honest, nobody wants either). I don't believe this because I am against God (I am a Christian).

I believe Trump is all those things, and I am more convinced every day as I listen to his words and observe his actions.

When I listen to or read Trump's speeches, interviews and tweets; and examine his actions, both politically and personally, I see a person who embodies all the characteristics I listed above. I see a truly terrible person that I do not trust nor believe nor respect.

So I began expressing my views on Facebook. My left-leaning family and friends liked and loved and made nice comments on my posts. My right-leaning family and friends argued and accused and blamed Hillary and Obama and questioned my Christianity.

I rarely replied to comments, as my friends would often carry out discussions and debates.

I grew disappointed in how the conversations often went. Every once in a while I would vow to stop addressing politics on Facebook. I'd stick to family milestones and pictures of our kids' school and sporting events.

Then a few months would go by and Trump would do something that was so unbelievable I couldn't stay silent. I'd post about it, and soon I was right back into the posting and debating again.

I've been off the political posts for a few months. But I read something recently that got me thinking. I don't remember exactly what it said; it was one of those quotes about speaking out or staying silent. I thought about my kids. After observing what Trump has said and done over the last three years, and the negative impact he is having on our country and our world, I believe if I stay silent, then I am complicit in something very wrong and dangerous.

Sometimes it's better to stay out of a situation. But sometimes we have to take a stand, and be either for or against something. Or someone.

It does not make me happy to speak out against our President. I don't enjoy the debates. I don't want to think less of my Trump-supporting family and friends, and my inner child curls up knowing that many people I love and respect think I'm a liberal heretic.

But I owe it to my kids to be honest. To teach them right from wrong. To support that which is good, and speak out against that which is bad, or wrong, or evil, or harmful. And I believe strongly that Trump is all these things.

So I am going to write. Because it helps me process what I am seeing and reading and how it affects me. Because I believe we must work together to right this ship. Because I believe we need honest discussions about what is going on.

So I will write and express my thoughts, observations, reactions, etc. Feel free to comment and share (or not), but I want to keep the conversations here, or on email, rather than on Facebook. No promises on what I will and won't allow in comments; I'll make up some guidelines as we go along.

Have a great day!


1 comment:

March 28